Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated on 16 March, 2024

At Blackwing Games, we prioritize the privacy and safety of all users, especially children. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and safeguard information provided by users, including those as young as 9 years old, while using our games and any interactions with third-party services like Google AdSense.

  1. Information We Collect: We do not collect any personal information from users under the age of 13 for our own use. However, our games may feature Google AdSense, which may collect certain non-personal information for the purpose of serving personalized ads. This may include but is not limited to device identifiers, IP addresses, and usage data. Please refer to Google's Privacy Policy for more information on how Google collects and uses data.

  2. How Google AdSense Uses Your Information: Google AdSense may use the information collected to personalize the ads users see based on their interests and preferences. This helps improve the relevance of the ads encountered while using our games.

  3. Data Security: While we do not collect personal information ourselves, we understand the importance of data security. We have implemented appropriate measures to protect any data collected by Google AdSense. However, we cannot guarantee the security of information collected by third-party services, such as Google AdSense. We encourage parents and guardians to review Google's Privacy Policy for details on their data security practices.

  4. Parental Consent: We strongly recommend parental guidance and supervision for users under the age of 13 while using our games and interacting with any third-party services, including Google AdSense. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their children's use of our games and ensuring they understand and comply with this Privacy Policy.

  5. Changes to This Privacy Policy: We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on this page, and the updated Privacy Policy will be effective immediately upon posting.

By allowing your child to use our games, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the use of Google AdSense, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing Blackwing Games. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable gaming experience for users of all ages!

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